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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Macam-Macam Ekspressi dalam Bhs.Inggris

NIS            :    13.1883
·         I’m so distressed
·         Please leave me alone!
·         I’m really sad.
·         How sorrowful it is.
·         It is tragic ...
·         My heart is so burdened
·         I can’t tell my pain and sorrow in words
·         I’m so sad to hear it.
·         I’m very sad about ….
·         I can’t believe what’s going on.
·         I can’t hold my tears on it.
·        Oh, no ….

+Be patient
+ i hope your  
problem will be finish
In the bedroom Catty sit at the corner of his room
Teddy: why you look so weak
            and full sadness?
Catty: no, you don’t know my
Teddy: come on, tell me about
Catty: please leave alone! Teddy:ok, i hope your  
          problem will be finish J
√ Could you help me,please ?
√ Could you take my pen ?
Do you think you could take me to   
   the shop ?
√I wonder if you could write me an 
   application letter ?
√Can I borrow your...?
√Can I have a seat ?
√Can you give me the book ?
√Could you phone me at 7 o’clock?
√Would you mind repairing my
   watch ?

Of  course;
Sure / Ok
One day Jon wanted to call her mother because she wanted to be picked up, but he forgot to bring hp and he borrow stella’s hanpond
Jon   : Excuse me, Could you help me,please?
Setella:Yes of course, but for   
            what ?
Jon    : Can i borrow your Hanpond.
Stella : Yes this..
Jon     : Thank you Stella J
Stella  : You are welcome..

√Will you go to my home for
√I was wondering it you’d like to...
√I would like to invite you to...  
Can you come to my house  
   this afternoon, please?
Would you like to go to cinema
   with me this weekend ?
Please, come to my place
   whenever you’re free.
Do you free this afternoon?

À Thank you so much for the invitation
À Thank you, it would be a great idea. I’d like to go then
À How kind of you to ask. I’d be delighted

One day , Selvy want to invite Kevin to go to her birthday
Selvy : hi , Kevin
Kevin  : hi , Selvy
Selvy  :  I would like to invite you to go to my birthday party
Kevin  : Thank you, Insya Allah I  will go to your birthday party
Selvy: oh  yeah thank you
Kevin :you’re welcome            
        You look beautiful
        You look lovely
        Nice shirt
        Your dress is beautiful
        You look handsome
        Your food is very delicious

À Thank you
À I’m glad you enjoyed it
À Thanks. Do  you really think so..?
À Thank you very much. It’s nice of you too say so
One time, Justin want to go to a holiday. On the way, she meet Charly
Justin : Hi Charly....
Charly : Justin... Wow...!! this morning     you look Handsome   Justin..?  
Justin  : I’m glad you enjoyed it..
Charly : I like your style today..
Justin    : Thank you very much Charly...
Charly : Don’t mention it.  
*         Congratulation
*         Congratulation on...
*         I’d like to congratulate you.
*         I’d like congratulate you on....
*         It was great to hear…
*         It was to hear about….
*         Happy birthday to you.
*         Happy new year
*         Good luck
*        Have a nice holiday
  Thank you
  Thank you and the same to you
  Thank you. I need it
Thank you very much
One day,Angel celebrate her birtday. William  comes to Angel’s party
William: Hi, Angel...
Angel    : Hi, William. Come on,please!
William : Yeah. HappyBirtday, friend.
Angel : Thanks, William .
William  : I hope you’ll be ageless and always be health.
Angel : Ooo...thank you very much...
v Wow ! what a surprise ?
v That’s a surprise
v Really ?
v What ?
v That’s very surprising
v Are you serious ? you must be joking
v You’re kidding !
v Fancy that !
v You must say it surprises me..
v Yeah !
v It is
v Yup !
v Positively
v It’s true
v I’m serious
v No, I’m not
     Does it ?
One day, Fifi tell Citra  that Rara  is suffering hepatitis D
Fifi  : “Hi, Citra.”
Citra   : “Hi too.”
Fifi       : ” Citra, I want to tell you a surprising information ”
Citra   : “What is that about?”
Fifi  : “Do you know that Rara is suffering services cancer”
Citra   : “Are you serious?”
Fifi       : “yes, I’m serious
     Can I help you?
     What can I do for you?
     Do you want me to join us?
     Would you like me to  …..
     Let me
     Want some?
     Can I get you something to  …..?
     Would you like something to …..?
     Do you like  …..?
     Do you like ….. or …..?

ØYes, please!
ØYes, of course!
ØOf courseI can
ØThat’s very kind of you
ØI appreciated     that
ØThat would be marvelous
ØThank you!
ØThanks a lot!
ØThanks, I’d love to

Arwin looked Abus on the road
Arwin : what are you doing Arwin?
Abus : I again waited for the bus, but there is no bus that I’m looked.
Arwin : Can I help you ?
Abus: Yeah, can you take me go to school ?
Arwin : Ohh ... okay .. Let’s go
Abus : Thanks before.
Arwin : It’s okay ....!! I will always help you J

Believe and Disbelieve
Believe :
     Do you think he is honest ?
     Do you believe she is guilty?
     How can you believe that ?
     Do you believe in yourself ?
     What do you believe in ?
     Believe me
     I swear
     Trust me
     You have my word on that
     Don’t you trust me ?
     Have faith in me
     Do you believe it?
     Wouldn’t you believe it?
     Can you imagine that?
     Don’t belive it, do you?
     Don’t you think it’s odd that...?
     Do you expect me to belive it?

Disbelieve :
     You won’t belief this but ..
     Do you know what?
     This may surprise you, but...
     I’ve got news for you. ......
     Do you believe it?
     Wouldn’t you believe it?
     Can you imagine that?

Respond believe :
  I believe that
   I believe you
  I trust you
   I have  
   complete faith
    in you
Respond disbelieve :
   Really ? I find  
   that hard to  
   Are you joking?
   I can’t see that
  I don’t believe   
  Are you
  You must be
   Oh, no! That’s
   not true!

Malik and Leli talking in the classroom
Malik : Leli ,, I want to talking about something for you.
Leli : What’s that Malik ?
Malik : Do you know Mr.Ilyas ?
Leli : Yeah . I know .. why ?
Malik : He’s getting married.
Leli : Huh ... I don’t believe.
Malik : Trust me. I’m swear
Leli : Sorry ,, I can’t believe you
Malik : Leli ,, I’m not joking. If you not believe me ,,,  please ask to Kabil.
Leli : Okay  I'll ask Kabil...
Leli meet with Kabil
Leli : Hi ! Kabil ...
Kabil : Yeah Leli ....
Leli : Is it true Mr.Ilyas was getting married.
Kabil : Hmmm ...yeah
Leli : Ohh... now I believe
Kabil : Yeah… it does not matter
Leli : yes, thank you for the information.
Then , Leli meet with Malik
Leli : Malik ... It’s true .. Mr.Ilyas was getting married…!
Malik : I already told you, but you don’t believe me..
Leli : yeah Malik ,, now I believe you.. Sorry before..
Malik : Yeah… it does not matter.

§    I would say …
§    I predict that ….
§    I guess …
§    I think ….

1.I think so
2.I can be
3.I don’t think so
4.My prediction is
5.I think its well 
One day Thaufiq And Aris walk together .
Thaufiq : I think it will be rain
Aris : That’s impossible,
          because i heard to day’s
          forecast.Wiil be clear
Thaufiq : But it’s cloudy
Aris : Oh... youre right.Let’s
         go home now before rain.

*      I would like to
*      thank you for…
*      Let me express my gratitude…
*      Thank you…
*      Thanks.
*      Yes.Of course.
*      No problem .
*      You’re welcome.
*      Not at all
Pratty has just given Rachel a  dress because she from Jakarta
Pratty : Rachel . it is a dress for you, .
Rachel: Where is it.
Pratty : I from Jakarta
Rachel : Thank you
Pratty : You’re welcome

v  How about tomorrow morning?
v  Let’s me at … o’clock.
v  What about..

Accepting an Appointment

*     I’ll come ,I promise.
*     I’ll be there.

Cancelling an Appointment

*     Sorry, I don’t think I can make it.
I’m sorry , I can’t make it.
Rara  make an appointment with my classmate to study together at Rara’s home tomorrow morning.
Rara : Hi Leo
Leo:Hello Rara.What’s up ?
Rara : what about tomorrow morning ,if we are study together at my home?
Leo: Ok . I’ll come . I promise

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